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images © Forgermind Archimedia & Pavel Nekoranec

and the the Radiant City

“To allow maximum comfort in the relationship between Man and his living space” 
These are the words used by Le Corbusier in 1945 to describe The Modulor: a human silhouette measuring 1m83 and used to design the structure and size of the housing units designed by the architect.

The name of the Collectif, inspired by this architectural concept, embodies this desire to strengthen the links between "Man and his living space", and to create points of encounter and exchange in the public space.

These are the values that animate each member of the Collectif 1m83 today. We put all our energy and skills to amaze passers-by, and present artworks that integrate into their environment. 


images © Fotocollecte Anefo

Origine du nom

The team

Didier Schwarz

Didier Schwarz

Co-founder Director 1m71

Caroline Widmer

Caroline Widmer

Co-founder Director & PR 1m67

Nathalie Herschdorfer

Nathalie Herschdorfer

Curator & art historian 1m60

Fabio Da Cruz

Fabio Da Cruz

Designer 1m77

Irène Languin

Irène Languin

Editor 1m68

Nathalie Pichard

Nathalie Pichard

In charge of partnerships 1m68

Interested in joining Collectif 1m83?

Membres collectif
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